Diwali. The most wonderful time of the year for a Hindu home. Filled with lights, colours and fancy clothing, its one festival I really look forward to every year.
The one thing I don’t get excited about though is the sweets. Growing up, my sister would always jump for joy because of all the boxes of pedas and ladoos that every home much be stocked up with during the days leading up to Diwali. I on the other hand, being the non-sweet tooth-always-pick-spice kinda gal, always felt left out. Especially because I’ve always found most Indian sweets are TOO sweet, making it not so fun for me!
This put an additional task on my poor mother’s already very long “get ready for Diwali” to-do list – to have a sweet on the table at Diwali that I might actually eat. The answer was already pretty simple. Sooji ka halwa. Delicious, warm, freshly-made semolina. Nothing screams Kamath tradition and religious festivals like sooji ka halwa does. I don’t think it is the most traditional Diwali sweet in most homes however, it has long been a big part of my family’s holidays and now slowly, my friends as well. If there is word that there is some being made at home, there is an unsaid expectation that they will be receiving a box in the near future.
So as we get ready and prep for Diwali this year, I thought to share this super easy, 5-ingredient delicacy with you (6 if you want to make it fancy). All you need is sooji (semolina), ghee, sugar, water and cashews as a topping, if you like. If you want to take it up a notch, you can add a little bit of saffron.
Oh beautiful saffron! Considered as one of the most precious spices in the world, saffron is an Indian mothers treasure in the kitchen. So expensive, so precious, so worth it! A few strands goes a long way.
Super easy to make and so delicious to eat – I hope you give this one a go. If you do, let us know your thoughts!
Sooji ka halwa
A classic and simple five ingredient Indian dish. Super easy to make and very tasty!
- 1 cup semolina
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup ghee
- 1 cup warm water
- cashews to garnish
- saffron a couple of strands (to taste) (optional)
1. In a saucepan, roast the semolina in ghee till golden.
2. Lower the heat and add sugar. Mix well.
3. Add hot water and stir continuously until ghee separates.
4. Cover and leave the saucepan on a low flame for 5 minutes.
5. Should you choose to use saffron, add it before you turn off the heat.
6. Top with cashews (or other dry fruit of your choice).