Happy 2015, She said world! The new year has brought us a clean slate, 365 days full of opportunities to do things we didn’t think possible, to make our life stories memorable, and to make the year count! The new year also means everyone wants to start something new. A resolution, a bucket list, a gym membership.
She Cooks
Reiner’s Old Fashioned
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and many a parties are to be had! The first of January brings about resolutions and the “it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day” kinda fluffy stuff. New Years Eve on the other hand is about giving the year a high-five if it was awesome or a “hope I never see you
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Everything Else
It’s a Rosy Christmas (A Home-made Body Scrub You’ll Wanna Eat!)
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! My favorite time of year! The air is crisp, sweaters are finally appropriate, and as the year winds down, you start to recap the highlights in your head, think about all the people who made the year special, who stuck around, who cooked you food, laughed at your jokes, and made you feel like
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She Cooks
Love’s Paleo Pumpkin Pie
Here at She Said, we love the sister-hood we are creating. Having said that, we have to acknowledge the awesome men-folk in our lives. Not only have so many of them been super supportive about this blog but have been eager to be a part of it. Given all the enthusiasm, we’d like to introduce to you
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She Cooks
Good ol’ Macaroni and Cheese
Home isn’t really one particular place anymore. Given the vagabond that life has made me, home is now the people and food and sounds and the small things that make a place home. Having said that, while in the states, my entire friend circle would head “home” over any long holiday. For the time I was
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Everything Else
The big fat 3-0
I turned 30 yesterday! Woo hoo! I’m big on birthday celebrations, be it mine or those of loved ones, but I’d been dreading this day for close to two years. It’s officially the end of your 20s – the decade where you can be irresponsible and you’ll most likely get away with it. The decade