Women’s health (and easy, tried and tested tips for a better, happier you!)

We women have it rough. From the monthly period to PMS, bloating, boob and back pain, tummy aches, pap smears, mammograms, hot flushes, menopause… does it even stop?! Our “lady problems” are the gifts that keep on giving and lets just say: It’s NOT FUN! In fact, its goddamn awful.

Yes, its true that our bodies are incredible, made to give life and endure all the pain in the world. We are invincible, super human beings. But on most days, I don’t feel like any of it.

My personal journey of health has had its ups and downs. There was PCOD as a teenager and weight gain. Hair growth on parts of my face where it has no business being. Hair fall? Its so bad these days and has been for few years now. I think I’ve tried everything there is and have now come to accept that I might be bald and beautiful very soon. And that’s okay. Talking to girlfriends, this seems to be the norm with so many of us. Discussions about insulin resistance and Glucophage, acne, autoimmune conditions, thyroid issues, and the C-word are all too real. I mean, can a girl get a break already?!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is marked around the world to help increase awareness about the disease and remind us all to do routine self-checks for early detection. Did you know that approx 1.38 million new cases are diagnosed every year and about 458,000 deaths? That’s insane!

2020 has been a crazy year. A whirlwind of madness. If there’s one good thing that came out of this, it is that the playing field has levelled a little. And it has made us see that we’re all in this together. It has reminded us that our choices and actions have the power to protect us – or not. This holds true, not just for breast cancer, but for our overall health and well-being. By working together and sharing, we can inspire and push each other to be better and do better. To take care of ourselves, not just physical but of our mental health as well.

I’m no health fanatic but I do try and eat healthy on most days. Someone few years ago asked me, “what do you mean by “healthy”?”

It’s true, what’s healthy for me might not be for you. Our bodies are different and need different things to feel right. I think it’s still safe to say that we all want the same thing. i.e.

To be the best, healthiest versions of our self.

I’d love to share with you what has worked for me. One of them is super simple and the other, super HARD! But they’ve been life changing for me and I hope to continue to live by them (or at least try to as much as my will power allows it).

1) Apple cider vinegar

A tablespoon of ACV mixed in with a glass of warm water first thing in the morning works like a dream. I know they say you should have lemon water, but I don’t always have lemons on hand. I always, ALWAYS have a bottle of ACV in the cupboard though.

I’ve found it useful to ease inflammation. I’ve done this daily morning routine for at least 4-5 years now and can promise you my digestion is so much better for it.

If you do buy ACV, make sure its one with the “mother”. This is the combination of yeast and bacteria formed during fermentation of the vinegar, and that’s apparently the beneficial part of the drink. I’m no scientist, but it works!

2) No gluten, no dairy, no refined sugar

This one is super hard, especially when you love dessert and cheese. Once I started avoiding gluten, my body also started craving bread and pasta, something I never cared for before. Ah, the devil hard at work!

I cut out these three things from my diet and instead, ate lots of clean, whole foods. I managed to lose a ton of weight but more so, I also saw a huge difference in energy and my brain was more engaged.

While I’m not 100% disciplined about this anymore, I can swear it was one of the best things I did for myself and I hope and pray I get back on track again someday.


I reached out to some friends to share some of what works best for them. Have a read below:

Carla Dabis:

Putting my mental health as a priority the last 8 months has been quite tough between working from home and being a mother of 2 toddlers. I definitely wouldn’t say that I’ve cracked the code on this one but lately, I’ve been trying to plan activities for my kids that are, by default, also good for my mental health. I’ve been doing regular home ‘spa days’ with my 4 year old which include soaking our feet, face masks, tea, spa music and mani/pedi – the works. And now that the weather is finally cooling down, I’ve been trying to spend as much time as possible outdoors. By 7:30am, I am usually out for an early morning stroll with my 1 year old which is really quiet and peaceful. We’ve also been hitting the beach every weekend which is naturally revitalizing for the mind and body (even as I change dirty nappies in the sand)

Lavina Israni

We’ve heard how decluttering your surroundings can help reduce stress and anxiety. For me, a digital clean up turned out to be a better solution. I Marie Kondo’d my Instagram timeline by unfollowing accounts that don’t spark joy anymore. Some of these are run by friends I still speak to in real life, but I’d rather not follow their lives on social media. I don’t know who needs to hear this but you don’t need to follow someone on social media to be friends with them. Unfollow. It will be the best thing you’ve done for your mental health this year. I’m actually enjoying scrolling through my feed now because I’m in total control of the content I’m consuming. It’s important to make your digital space a place that keeps you motivated, feel inspired, and most importantly, feel happy.

Sophia Sheikh:

I’ve found that stress tends to take its toll on me in more ways than one. It impacts my stomach, skin, energy levels and my general mood. I’m also insulin resistant and honestly, that in itself can add to the chaos. After years of trying different nutritionists, meal plans and diets, I settled on a couple of things that make a huge difference for me. Ashwagandha, the foundation of Ayurvedic medicine – I take it daily. It’s considered to have several health benefits and is classified as an adaptogen, which means it helps your body manage stress. It’s also said to boost brain function, reduce cortisol levels, help reduce blood sugar and overall reduce anxiety. I also take Vitamins B and D – supplements and sun work wonders. Plus its hard to get all our nutrients through our food. And finally – unplug. I’ve started to consciously carve out times in the day to unplug from technology. Working in Digital Marketing, it’s a huge adjustment, but I’m trying. Instead I take little windows to sit outdoors, weather permitting or spend time with my family.

Ritu Mathew

I found my wellness rhythm with guidance (nagging) from my mother (because there’s no need to reinvent the wheel, is there?) My workout regimen isn’t precise, but it’s about being active and showing up for myself. In particular, I swear by Yoga with Adriene and Fitness Blender. I also love journaling. I don’t indulge in a “Dear Diary” exercise. I’m a photo journalist, thinker and planner so begin my day by ensuring I plan the day ahead. I also keep aside 2 hours everyday to reflect, space-out or relax. While skincare isn’t my forte, I supplement my rather basic skincare practice by monitoring what I eat. I’d say my biggest win in 2020 has been achieving 100% home-cooked meals. I’m happy to report its made such a difference! To quote a cliche (albeit an apt one) – you do you, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Do you have a daily practice that makes you feel better? Do share as we’d love to hear from you.

If interested, Zulekha Hospital is doing free screenings until the end of October as part of its ‘Pink It Now’ campaign. Also, the Sassy Sauce Collective duo are donating all sales of their Green Dragon hot sauce bottles (or hampers) towards Breast Cancer Support and Research. Its only AED 60 so get in there to support a small local business + do it for a good cause 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Author: Nancy

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  • I can totally relate to this post! Over the last 4 years I gave up coffee cause I found out it doesn’t work for me body. Substituted it with juicing or lemon water and it’s worked wonders. Also started consuming 1/2 tsp of turmeric and neem powder and it’s done wonders for my body, especially blood stream that’s resulted in better looking skin (and building immunity, of course). Moved from 3 meals to 2 meals a day and been on the intermittent fasting bandwagon for 2 years and couldn’t recommend it more. Plus, think of all the time you’ll save not cooking that third meal that’s not really required by the body!

    • Wow, these are all really big life changes! Thank you for sharing Andrea. Giving up coffee might be a hard one but I think I could do 2 meals instead of 3. Most of the time, I’m eating out of boredom rather than because I’m actually hungry!

  • I resigned from my job in July and have since paid more attention to my skin. I have never done that before but honestly I can see such a difference! Also, I make a conscious effort to increase the water intake. I hv also started looking at being fit enough to walk up the stairs without panting. Small steps to better health, internally & externally 🙂

    • Good on you Litty! We fear we’d be bored without a job but in reality, it gives plenty of time to explore our own interests. Have you now found there aren’t enough hours in the day? Haha Am enjoying all the new things you are sharing online – the fitness, your review of the hair curling product… girl, I need that in my life! Keep it coming 🙂