Best cafes in Dubai to read, relax or work

I love books. Real books. Not kindles and other electronic readers but the real deal. There’s something very comforting about the smell of a book, the sound of a page turning, and the most satisfying bit of it all is when you turn that last page and the book is done. While I believe in

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Friendsgiving at the Sheikhs

Our friends Sophia and Reehan throw an epic Thanksgiving dinner every year (or Friendsgiving dinner). He cooks up a feast while she sets the dinner table in all the beautiful warm colors of fall. Together they are the dream team; there’s conversation flowing (and lots of wine) with a lovely group of their friends and

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Healing in Hawai’i

A year can be amazing and long, brutal and loving, fulfilling and humbling all at once. Sometimes, this kind of year that shakes your foundations and pushes you out of your comfort zone can leave a few battle scars. “You need to come out to Hawaii,” my sister said after her move there last year. “The island

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Greenheart Organic Farms visit

Walking through rows and rows of vines, it was hard to believe that we were in the middle of the desert. Couple of months ago, we had the opportunity to visit Greenheart Organic farms, located on the outskirts of Sharjah, to see where and how Freedom Pizza sources its organic produce. It’s always good to

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